Formation Flying to Honor Veterans

Formation Flying to Honor Veterans

Formation Flying to Honor Veterans FORMATION FLYOVERS TO HONOR VETERANS In the Beginning The genesis of a series of formation flyovers began with an email from Skipper Hyle to Jim Buckley. We would meet at Thomaston, Georgia (OPN) at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday morning,...
Visit to the National Air and Space Museum

Visit to the National Air and Space Museum

Visit to the National Air and Space Museum The National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. is a repository of our nation’s aeronautical history and achievements. As one tours the facility, you appreciate the origins of aviation in America as accomplished by the...
WWII Heritage Day – 2014

WWII Heritage Day – 2014

WWII Heritage Day – 2014 WORLD WAR II HERITAGE DAY – 2014 Colorful and Nostalgic World War II Heritage Days at the Dixie Wing of the CAF is always a colorful and nostalgic event. Nu- merous reenactors appear in authentic regalia looking like they walked off a motion...
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