by Alan Armstrong | Aug 20, 2018 | Aerobatic Aircraft, Air Force, Aircraft, Airshows, Formation Flying, History, MIlitary, Second World War, War Aircraft
Westover Air Reserve Base – 2018 I. RISE AND SHINE David Cate graciously allowed Katie to be hangared free of charge at Maryville Airport northwest of Cleveland, Ohio following the conclusión of our Prowlers of the Pacific show in Battle Creek, Michigan on July 1. ...
by Alan Armstrong | May 9, 2014 | Airshows, History, War Aircraft
WWII Heritage Day – 2014 WORLD WAR II HERITAGE DAY – 2014 Colorful and Nostalgic World War II Heritage Days at the Dixie Wing of the CAF is always a colorful and nostalgic event. Nu- merous reenactors appear in authentic regalia looking like they walked off a motion...
by Alan Armstrong | Nov 10, 2012 | Formation Flying, Travel, War Aircraft
Formation Weekend FORMATION WEEKEND Getting the Rust Off Skipper Hyle, a Southwest pilot, and Arnie Angelissi, a FAA flight surgeon, were kind enough to set up a formation clinic for the last weekend in September of 2012. Of late, Tony Stein, a retired corporate pilot...
by Alan Armstrong | Jun 14, 2011 | Airshows, History, Second World War, Travel, TSA, War Aircraft
Andrews Air Force Base Airshow 2011 ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE 2011 Andrews Air Force Base – A Great Airshow One of the highlights of each airshow season for the Dixie Wing of the CAF is the annual trip to Andrews Air Force Base. Typically, Andrews commits to the presence...