When Is an Aircraft Airworthy?

When Is an Aircraft Airworthy?

When Is an Aircraft Airworthy? The purpose of this article is to educate lawyers, pilots, mechanics and aircraft owners/operators with respect to when a United States – registered aircraft is “airworthy.” As we explore this subject, we will consider the statutory and...
D.C. Court of Appeals reverses the NTSB

D.C. Court of Appeals reverses the NTSB

D.C. Court of Appeals reverses the NTSB This issue of Flightwatch will discuss the confusion that abounds at the NTSB about the elements required to be satisfied if the Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) is to prevail in a claim against an airman alleging the...
Low Passes and Revocation of Flying License

Low Passes and Revocation of Flying License

Low Passes and Revocation of Flying License A jet pilot who made a number of low level, high-speed passes over the Santa Monica Pier had his license revoked. The flight in question took place on November 6, 2008, when the pilot, as part of a two-ship formation flight,...
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