
The Museum of Flight in Seattle

The Museum of Flight can be described in one word – fantastic. No matter your interest in aviation, whether it be engineering, space exploration or history, the Museum of Flight near Seattle, Washington will satisfy your interests. Due to the shortage of time, I was unable to view all of the exhibits. However, some of the features and exhibits are discussed.
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Oshkosh 2009 – – A 21 Hour Odyssey

Our cadre of Oshkosh adventurers reported to Epps Air Service at PDK around 04:00 for an early morning departure in Milo Pinckney’s Navajo for a trip to Oshkosh returning later the same day or so we planned. Besides Milo, our cast of characters included Merry Waldroup, Mac Secord, Russ Jamieson, Jeff Heal and the author.
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